Attorney Okuh worked with an individual who had been in removal proceedings for just shy of 20 years. Despite having a spouse and children with lawful status as well as substantial ties to his community – including leadership roles at his church, involvement in various philanthropic causes, children who had volunteered to serve in the U.S. armed forces, and a strong history of solid employment – this individual had numerous legal difficulties in his case and had been up and down through various levels of appeal for nearly two decades. Attorney Okuh took on his case last year and helped him prepare a strong application and legal argument to submit to the immigration court. In his hearing, DHS argued that he was ineligible to become a lawful permanent resident or, at a minimum, would need a waiver of inadmissibility before doing so. However, Attorney Okuh was able to persuade the court that he was eligible without needing a waiver, and he was finally able to receive his residency.